DINO Registration Instructions

You can register online, by mail, or in person. Registering online is the least expensive option, and will save time on race day!

Online Instructions
Online entry is the preferred and least expensive method. You can use a credit card or a PayPal account. There are no additional processing fees and no postage. Entry closes Wednedsday evening before each race. The registration links are at the top and bottom of every page for each event.

Mail-in Instructions
To register via mail please print, complete, and mail the entry form for the appropriate series. The link is on the information page for each event. 

In Person Instructions
To register in person on race day, please show up prior to the event at least 30-60 minutes prior to your start time. On site entry is $5-$10 more than Online or Mail-in entry. Cash or check preferred. At some locations, we will be able to accept credit cards - depends on availability of internet connection.

Questions?   Visit our FAQ page.