
New Title Sponsor for DINO Trail Run Series

DINO is thrilled to partner with Climb Time Indy as our new Title Sponsor for the 2022 Climb Time Indy DINO Trail Run Series!

Climbing and bouldering are excellent, complimentary activities for trail runners! They add full-body conditioning in a fun way. Climb Time Indy is suitable for the total novice all the way up to expert climber.

 Each race entry this year comes with an $18 value Climb Time Indy day pass with gear! Details on redeeming your day pass(es) are being finalized - watch for more information soon!


Race or Season Pass Registration


DINO T-shirt, Jersey, and Singlet Design Contest!

To celebrate DINO’s 30th year – and the 20th DINO Trail Run Series – we’ll have several special activities throughout the year.

To start it off, how would you like to win a FREE Season pass to your choice of DINO Mountain Bike Series or DINO Trail Run Series? To win, submit an idea for the 2020 DINO Series t-shirt, bike jersey, and/or running singlet design.

Designs should incorporate the DINO logo. The logo can be copied from DINOseries.com on the Trail Run or Mountain Bike pages. Submit all entries to Brian19@DINOseries.com

If we use your design(s), you win a free Season Pass! Entry deadline is December 15, 2019. Winners will be notified by December 31, and apparel will go into production by March 1, 2020.

You can find a template to start from at the following links:





Try Adventure Racing for FREE

Are you curious about Adventure Racing, but concerned you might struggle? We're offering a FREE entry to one team in our MISSION Lite and CIA Lite races. To win, submit your entry to DINO Director Brian Holzhausen (Brian17@DINOseries.com) explaining why you think your team will be "Least Likely to Succeed". What will be looking for in a winning submission? human interest, motivating others, or just plain comedy; plus how you plan to share your experience on social media or other public arenas. The chosen team will race for free using team name "Least Likely To Succeed".

There will be one winning team chosen for each of DINO's two 4-hour Beginner AR's (MISSION Lite and CIA Lite). Entry must be received at least two weeks prior to the event. The winner will be selected two weeks prior to the event date.


Race Photos - Crowd Sourcing through FlashFrame

DINO will use a crowd-source friendly race photo hosting site for 2017.

This is an exciting new opportunity that should allow multiple points of view to be captured and shared in one location. Racers can view all photos, and purchase quality digital download images for just $2 each.

The basics of FlashFrame and DINO event photos:

-Anyone can upload photos to the event’s page on FlashFrame (spectators, athletes, race staff, or pro photographers)

-FlashFrame uses image recognition technology to assign bib numbers on photos. Large test on clothing and shirt colors may also be recognized to narrow down your search. Photographers may also tag photos to ensure they are easily found by participants.

-DINO will share links for each race’s photo page, or racers can go to flashframe.io to search for photos.

-Racers can enter his/her bib number to search, or browse all photos of the event.

-Race photos will be available for just $2 digital download (or printed and mailed to you for about $7)

-Photographer gets more than half the $2 price tag

-The better photos (and more photos) a photographer uploads, the more he or she will sell!

To register yourself so that you can upload photos, click here: https://flashframe.io/photo-with-flashframe/. To receive payment for your photos, you’ll need to enter a bit of financial information.



DINO has created a second adventure race to compliment the popular and long-running MISSION AR. The new race is called "Central Indiana Adventure", and will be held September 17, 2016. The location is Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis.

This is a 12-hour race, a regional qualifier for the USARA Adventure Race National Championship. There is also a 4-hour "CIA Lite" race oriented toward beginner adventure racers.

For more information, visit http://www.dinoseries.com/central-indiana-adventure/