
Brown County Races Postponed

The weather hasn't been our friend this spring. The Qdoba DINO Trail Run and Kenda DINO Mountain Bike Series race have both been postponed due to wet trail conditions and additional rain / t-storms coming in.

The new date for these events is July 6 (trail run) and July 7 (mountain bike).


April 27 Race Update

The Qdoba DINO Trail Run on April 27 is being MOVED to the alternate location: DePauw University Nature Park. Details of the specific location of parking and check-in will be announced later today. Depauw Nature Park is a beautiful place less than an hour west of downtown Indianapolis. It has a few challenging hills and spectacular overlooks. 

The overnight rain will cause Town Run Trail Park to flood again, and it's expected to be underwater for the next couple of days. Debris, standing water, and mud will remain on the trail rendering it un-usable for our event.

The DINO Spring Tune-up Mountain Bike Race is cancelled.

All activities at Town Run this week are cancelled, including trail work and MTB Beginner Racing Clinic.

Flood level graph:


New DINO Website

Thanks for visiting! Our old website has served us well for many years, but we're very excited about this upgrade. It will help us interact with social media and allow us to post your race results much faster. It also gives us more flexibility in posting updates in a timely manner... for example, race postponements or changes.

If you notice any problems, please let us know: and our webmaster, See you on the trails!


New Website

Welcome to the new Dino website.

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