FAQs > Fun Stuff > Do you offer group discounts?

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Are you a coach or leader of a large group?

If you bring:

ten or more participants - 10% discount

twenty or more participants - 20% discount

thirty or more participants - 30% discount

... and so on, up to 50% discount!  (Sorry, we can't give 100+ entries away for free)

The catch? It needs to be in a single payment (cash, check, Paypal, or credit card). Registration data needs to be in a spreadsheet format with all the race entry fields found on our online form. (Contact us if you need a template spreadsheet). Due by the posted close of online registration.

Limited to 20% discount for special events (XTERRA, adventure races, 24 Hours of DINO, Tecumseh Trail Marathon, Jackson County 50-50, etc.)

Last updated on August 4, 2016 by holzhaus