FAQs > Mountain Bike Events > Tips for your first race

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It can be intimidating coming to your first race. Keep in mind, everyone was a first-timer once! Most of the riders at the race will have nice mountain bikes and be wearing spandex cycling clothes. But, under the sunglasses and helmets are a bunch of truly nice and helpful people! Ask around if you have questions or need help with something.

You do not need to be on any team or a member of any club or organization to race.

DINO will cover the entry fee for your first race in the Intro category. (You will need to bring a refundable $5 deposit for your number plate). You can register for this onsite, or use our online form, pay, and e-mail us for a refund.

We suggest arriving plenty early to see how things work. You can watch the start of other categories, see riders tackle difficult trail sections, and watch the finish line prior to your start. Practice on the trail is open until the first race begins at 10 am. 

Bring plenty of food and water, chairs to sit on, and make it a day. Don't try to rush in and out. Many riders and teams bring a pop-up canopy for shade.

You will line up for your start in waves. Listen to announcements for start order and watch for riders with your category number plate. Generally, two minutes are betwen each wave. There are multiple staging lines to keep groups together. Only the very next wave to start will be on the front "Start line". The second (dashed) line is for the group "up next".

The DINO Race Guide Book is full of tips and rules, please read through it prior to racing.

Last updated on March 15, 2019 by holzhaus